The Main Benefits of Green Tea Antioxidants

Green tea antioxidants are not a difficult to understand one but some fundamental points have been compiled here about this topic in this piece of writing. Sagacity presupposes knowledge and as such to assist you make balanced choices. This article has been created with all the relevant information you would ever need to know about green tea antioxidants

Green tea has countless helpful nutrients and composites, one case in point is the antioxidant. Green tea includes four primary polyphenols which give green tea antioxidants. In recent research these influential antioxidants have been shown to come to blows with viruses, helping slowing down aging and having a general positive effect on a person's general health.

Catechins which is a part of the four primary polyphenols has been revealed in thelatest clinical trials to wipe out free radicals which has far reaching consequences for the body. If left, free radicals could harm the body at the cellular level which leaves the body vulnerable to cancer, heart disease and degenerative diseases

Now, when you are reading this editorial on green tea antioxidants, you must have understood that there always is something more to be known about any subject matter. Almost everything of consequence has been included here on green tea antioxidant with the expectation that you would benefit from it.

Facts About the Green Tea Antioxidants

The capability of protecting the brain and fight against diseases such as Alzheimer's has also been found to be one of the health benefits of green tea antioxidants. A new study shows this to be true given that high doses of green teas ingredient EGCG decreases the development of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain of mice that developed Alzheimers disease.

EGCG is a flavonoid kind of antioxidants that is characteristically found in plants and has been associated with numerous health benefits, comprising protection against cancer and heart disease. EGCG is one of those important green tea antioxidants that is proven to be the main explanation for why green tea is so beneficial to a person's health.

Green tea antioxidants can also be found in the polyphenols that are more potent vitamins such as Vitamin C and E. EGCG is better at protecting the cells and genetic material, or DNA, from damage than Vitamin C by 100 times and Vitamin E by 25 times. The harm to cells and genetic materials has been associated to health problems such as cancer, heart disease and other potentially life threatening illnesses.

Green tea antioxidants are important to acknowledge and understand. You should also know the encouraging aspects you can get from the components of these antioxidants that assist your health and well-being.

This article has discussed about the many benefits of green tea antioxidants. It shows how they work to help protect your body. It is for sure that you are interested in green tea antioxidants and that is why you decided to read this piece of information. Now that you have read it, do you feel you have gained something worthwhile because then only this effort would be rewarded.

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