Green Tea Is A Good Remedy For Cellulite Too

We all know the benefits of green tea, which is a good anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-fungal and anti-aging product. But most people do not know that the cup of tea is also good for fat burning, body shaping, and getting rid of cellulite too.

Green tea extract is thought to posses at least one ingredient that can be directly affected by cellulite: theobromine. Alkaloid theobromine, which can be absorbed through the skin. It is known to promote the release of stored fat (similar to the effect of caffeine on cellulite). In addition, green tea extract contains caffeine, which is another good candidate for the reduction of cellulite.

In general, green tea extract is also very good for the skin. It is an anti-inflammatory, which may help counteract the irritating effects of the most powerful skin care ingredients. Green tea extract is an all good ally in the fight against cellulite.

So, green tea extract may be an effective cellulite reduction. But by itself, green tea extract does not get rid of cellulite. Ideally, green tea extract should be used together with other ingredients like a good cellulite cream.

However, green tea is also a choice of simple but effective home remedy to get rid of cellulite. It has features that make it ideal to detoxify your body and burn off excess fat. This is because green tea contains polyphenols, which increases fat oxidation and reduces fat storage.

Green tea helps burn excess fat from the body, and you soon begin to notice that the cellulite reduced after several days. It also works well to prevent the formation of new fat cells in the body.

Besides being an antioxidant, green tea has been found to increase the rate of burning calories. Drinking three cups a day helps you burn 80 extra calories for the next 24 hours. This adds up to a weight loss of 2.8 kg (6 kg) per year. Green tea may also reduce the weight by stopping the production of fat-absorbing enzyme. According to French researchers, you could lose 30 percent of calories from fat per day just by drink more.

What to do: If you are trying to lose weight, add two tablets of green tea or at least three cups of green tea daily diet (be sure to herbal teas may be substituted for glasses of water per diem).

For this reason, the a wide range of products for skin care and cellulite containing green tea has grown dramatically. This is not only his popularity, but its effectiveness. So go ahead and give it a try.

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