Green Tea Health Benefits

Drinking green tea made several discoveries regarding health benefits. Aside from green tea becoming an antioxidant, it is also claimed that it can help with cancer prevention, heart protection, arthritis prevention and liver protection. According to legends, tea was discovered by a Chinese emperor about 5,000 years ago. This Chinese emperor was boiling water believing that it could become more potable and safer to drink. Suddenly a large gust of wind took over blowing the leaves into the boiling water. The combination of water and leaves, formed a brown mixture. Reluctantly, the emperor discovered that the mixture was making a very fragrant aroma. The moment he tasted it, he fell in love with the drink. From then on, green tea was born. No matter how accurate this legend is, what’s important is that green tea has become one of the most popular drink in China.

More recently, the health benefits of green tea have been established by studies done by medical professionals and companies who produce green tea products. These studies do show that the health benefits of green tea can add to the longevity of those who drink this product.

First of all, you need to understand that the body does millions of processes occurring at all times. Even when you are asleep, the brain is active and will require oxygen in order to function properly. However, the oxygen that we breathe in can have harmful side effects, or what most people know as oxidants. These oxidants or commonly known as free radicals are introduced to our system through external sources, such as pollution, stress, smoking, diet, and even exposure to the sun. And, these free radicals are known to be one of the main contributors in the growth of cancer cells.

As people grow older many start to take different types of prescription drugs for a variety of conditions. There is some evidence that one of the
health benefits of green tea
include the possibility of reducing the amount of these prescription drugs. These drugs can very expensive, and some of these drugs come with side effects. Each person should consult with their doctors about each of these conditions, but they might try drinking green tea on a regular basis to ward off some of these conditions before they appear. They might try drinking some green tea to see if they could reverse some of the conditions that already exist

There is some evidence that a regular consumption of green tea could alleviate the pain and suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Many people are affected by high cholesterol, and there is some evidence that the regular use of green tea could help to lower bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol. Some people claim that green tea consumption could help people ward off infections while others believe that green tea has beneficial effects for protecting people from heart disease. These claims are based on the presence of certain substances in green tea including catechin polyphenols.

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